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VAS Minion Pro 5.8 GHz LHCP MMCX

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kr 169,-
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ArtikelID: 45782, Produktnr: VAS-58101L-PRO
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Video Aerial Systems Minion Pro 5,8 GHz LHCP MMCX. 1 st
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Vinst: 2,5dbic
Polarisering: vänstercirkulär (LHCP)
Kontakt: SMA

Paketet inkluderar: 1x Minion PRO-antenn
Product details in english
The highest performance micro CP antenna just got better. Designed for the professional pilot, the new element system offers 2.5dbic of gain and a 0.95 axial ratio making it perfect for long range, racing, and freestyle in even the toughest of environments. The sleek new cover is made from a high-strength RF transparent plastic which gives the Minion Pro maximum performance and durability.

Gain: 2.5dbic
Axial Ratio: 0.95
Weight: 2.3grams (MMCX, u.fl) 5.5 grams (SMA stubby), 6.5 (SMA long range)
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