Lanserat 22 juni 1742 var Granado ett fartyg med exceptionella fina linjer. Ursprungligen menat att politisera handel utanför Frankrikes kust och avskärda smugglare och pirater på Storbritanniens östkust. Hon omvandlades till ett bombningsfartyg år 1756.
Product details in english
Launched on the 22nd of June 1742 to augment the fleet of bomb vessels during the war of the Austrian succession, the Granado was a vessel with exceptionally fine lines, originally intended as a Sloop with the task of policing merchant traffic off the French coast and intercepting smugglers and pirates off the east coast of Britain, she was converted into a bomb vessel in 1756.
She was fitted with two 13 inch mortars, 4-pounder carriage and anti personnel swivel guns.
Code: 1300/02
Scale: 1:64
Length: 80 cm
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