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E-Flite Habu SS 70mm EDF Smart PNP

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kr 3.895,-
ArtikelID: 55268, Produktnr: EFL0975
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E-Flite Habu SS 70mm EDF Smart PNP
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PNP (Plug n Play
Super Sport Edition!
EDF (Electric Ducted Fan) modell i EPO, snygg design och kraftfull motoruppställning levereras här i PNP-version, dvs utan mottagare och radio, batteri och laddare. Elektroniken i modellen är i övrigt förmonterad. Modellen är baserad på Habu STS, där denna version kan gå ännu snabbare och mer akrobatiskt med sin 4-6s Lipo setup, vi pratar hastigheter upp till 160km/h med 6S LiPo!

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E-Flite Habu SS 70mm EDF Smart PNP

Du behöver även en sändare och mottagare, batteri och laddare. Modellen flyger med 4-6S LiPo vid 3200-4000mAh med EC5/IC5-kontakt. Sändaren måste ha 5 eller fler kanaler. I flygplanet är servon, motor och farthållare redan installerade.

Paketet innehåller
  • (1) E-flite Habu SS 70 mm EDF med:
  • (1) Borstlös löparmotor (installerad)
  • (1) 70A borstlös ESC (installerad)
  • (5) Servon (installerade)
  • (1) Produktmanual

  • E-Flite Habu SS 70mm EDF Smart PNP

    Vingspann1029 Mm
    Längd1143 Mm
    ViktCa 1111g utan batteri
    MonteringstidUnder 1 timme
    ESC70A E-Flite med EC5/IC5-kontakt
    Product details in english

    Higher Performance Habu

    The Habu STS (Smart Trainer with SAFE) 70mm EDF was a game-changer that finally made it possible to learn to fly RC airplanes successfully with a jet! E-flite engineers also realized that a more powerful and capable version would be even more exciting for low-time to experienced pilots to fly. Enter the Habu SS (Super Sport) 70mm EDF jet - a modified version of the Habu STS that offers nearly unlimited vertical performance, more speed, and even more aerobatic capability. It has a 4S to 6S compatible power system featuring a specially-tuned motor and 70mm 10-blade fan, along with a telemetry-capable Avian 70-amp Smart Lite ESC. Its also available in a BNF Basic version equipped with exclusive Spektrum AS3X and optional-use SAFE Select technologies. The Habu SS is easy enough for a wide variety of low-time pilots with little to no EDF experience to fly successfully - while also being one of the best all-around fun-to-fly and no hassles high-performance EDF sport jets for experienced pilots too!

    More Power - More Capabilities

    Based on the legendary Habu - one of the best first and high-performance EDF (Electric Ducted Fan) sport jet platforms EVER designed - the E-flite Habu SS (Super Sport) 70mm EDF is a more powerful and more capable version of the popular Habu STS (Smart Trainer with SAFE)! Its a simple, no hassles, easy, and extremely fun to fly high-performance sport jet thats a perfect first-ever EDF for RC pilots with limited experience - while also being one of the best-ever everyday sport jets for experienced pilots. The Habu SS offers the same incredible low-speed handling and performance as the STS, but features updates and upgrades for more aerobatic capability, higher speeds, and nearly unlimited vertical performance. The specially tuned motor and 70mm 10-blade fan are compatible with 4S to 6S batteries without the need for modifications or upgrades. This factory-installed power system delivers plenty of speed and thrust with popular 4S 3200mAh batteries, added power with 5S batteries, or nearly unlimited vertical performance and speeds up to 100 MPH in a dive with 6S 4000mAh batteries! With Smart and non-Smart batteries, the exclusive 70-amp Spektrum Avian Smart Lite ESC can provide a variety of real-time power system telemetry data including motor RPM, current, overall battery voltage and more via compatible receivers (such as the AR631 included with the BNF® Basic version) and Spektrum AirWare equipped transmitters. Best of all a wide range of pilots, even those who have never flown an EDF before, can enjoy flying this model successfully ? especially the BNF Basic version that includes exclusive AS3X and SAFE Select technologies.

    Factory-finished in a trim scheme with higher-visibility colors, the airframe is composite-reinforced and strengthened to handle the added speed and aerobatic capabilities right out of the box. The optional-use fixed landing gear is outfitted with smaller diameter wheels and tires for sleeker looks and less drag. The wide-stance gear plus steerable nosewheel makes it easy to taxi, takeoff, and land on paved, dirt, and shorter grass surfaces - or you can install the oversized wheels and tires from the Habu STS to fly from thicker grass and other rough surfaces. You can also remove the landing gear for more speed and vertical performance with easy hand launches over and belly landings on grass. Best of all, the Habu SS 70mm EDF assembles quickly and easily without glue or special tools ? so you can be ready to fly in less time than it takes to charge a battery!

    Are you new to flying RC (Radio Controlled) aircraft? If you are, we recommend learning to fly with one of our purpose-built trainer aircraft such as the E-flite Habu STS (Smart Trainer with SAFE) 70mm ED. Its equipped with exclusive and innovative SAFE technology that makes it possible for almost anyone to learn to fly successfully! The Ready-To-Fly (RTF) version includes everything needed to fly in one box and is the perfect choice if youre a new RC pilot.
    Mer info på engelska

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    Användaren har endast angett betyg
    02.06.2024 av Geir JohnnyK
    På 4 celler tar den av på ca 15-20 meter i 10 cm høyt plengress. Veldig god respons på rorene i lav hastighet (ved anbefalte utslag fra manualen). Der finnes seilfly med dårligere glidetall enn denne kjerra, så landinger bør planlegges med en utlralav final på moderat hastighet. Ingen tendenser til flikk eller annet på lav hastighet, men den slutter å fly, fortsatt straight and level, hvis farten blir for lav på landinger. Har opplevd litt hakking på turtallet etter ca 1 minutt på full throttle. Vet ikke enda om dette skyldes ESC (utelukket at det skyldes batteriet). Blir trolig å skifte til ESC fra CC i alle fall
    Detta hjälpte mig
    Flott jettrainer
    Användaren har endast angett betyg
    31.05.2024 av Geir JohnnyK
    Flyr som en trainer på 4 celler, men blir en skikkelig tiger på 6 celler. Man får med andre ord mye igjen for pengene
    Detta hjälpte mig
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