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Seagull P-47 Thunderbolt Tarheel Hal 30-40cc ARF

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kr 12.999,-
ArtikelID: 68083, Produktnr: SEA398Gear
Rekommenderade tillbehör
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1,77 m vingspann
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P-47D Thunderbolt med Tarheel Hal design! Denna vackra modell kommer med fantastiska detaljer som skalflikar och CNC-bearbetade elektriska indrag. Dessutom får du dropptankar, raketer, pylon och LED-ljus. Detaljerna här är riktigt genomtänkta! Modellen levereras som ARF utan elektronik.

Rekommenderade tillbehör

PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Seagull P-47 Thunderbolt Tarheel Hal 30-40cc ARF

Nödvändiga tillbehör
  • Motor: 30-40cc eller motsvarande elektrisk.
  • Servon: 10st digitala
  • Radio och mottagare: 8+ kanaler
  • ESC (Electrical Control System)
  • LiPo Drive-batteri (elektrisk installation)
  • Mottagarens batteri (elektrisk eller bränsleinställning)
  • Propeller: 1 st
  • Lim och verktyg
  • Bränsle
  • Servokablar, bränsleslangar, glödstift mm.

  • Seagull P-47 Thunderbolt Tarheel Hal 30-40cc ARF

  • Vingspann: 1779 mm
  • Längd: 1502mm
  • Vikt: ca. 8 till 9 kg
  • Vingeyta: 58dm2
  • Material: Balsa och Oracover täckt
  • Typ av flygplan: Warbird
  • Product details in english
    One of the most famous planes of WWII, the P-47D Thunderbolt was an outstanding single seat fighter plane excelling in high-altitude bomber escort and low-altitude ground attack. The P-47D featured a turbo-supercharged engine and was active on both the European and Pacific fronts. To solve the problem of insufficient visibility of earlier models, later Thunderbolt models were redesigned with a transparent bubble canopy, leading to the birth of the "Bubbletop". Seagull Models has brought this nostalgic aircraft back to life with an authentic 1/7 sport scale version P-47 Thunderbolt paint scheme just as colorful as its name, "Tarheel Hal".

    Tarheel Hal is of the most copied aircraft in the genre of model airplanes, diecast models, and remote control planes. Yet with all of the hoopla, the history of how it was named or where that crazy paint scheme came from is very elusive. As with all Seagull Models Warbirds, careful attention to detail is evident throughout, and engineering means any intermediate-level modeler will enjoy building and flying this faithful reproduction of a vintage warrior.

    The kit features all-balsa wood construction with many pre-formed scale plastic parts to add authenticity to the appearance, high quality hardware package, and slotted flaps provide function as well as scale appearance, concealing the control horns internally to maintain scale lines.
    Mer info på engelska

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    Seagull P-47 Thunderbolt Tarheel Hal 30-40cc ARF
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