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Nutech Thunderbolt II 4WD 29CC Blue 2.4GHz RTR

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Ekstrem 4WD 1/5 buggy fra Nutech, vi lever nå bilen med CY 29CC bensinmotor, bilen er hele 76cm lang!. Den leveres ferdig montert og med 2.4GHz rattradio, to store kraftige metallgirsservoer står i bilen og mottaker er også montert. Bilen har 4WD med kraftig metall-drivlinje, drivaksling til fremdiffen går gjennom tanken for å holde så lavt tyngdepunkt som mulig. Bilen er bygget opp mer som en tradisjonell 4WD buggy enn som en bensinbil så den har buggy-type bremser som fungerer beget bra. Bilen har mange kraftige hop-ups som er option på mange andre biler, CNC-huber, metalldempere, metall chassis-dempere og helical-metalldrev for å nevne noen. Bilen tåler mye og går veldig bra, det er spesielt morsomt å drifte bortover asfalten og dekka holder virkelig bra selv om man ligger mye sideveis.

Rekommenderade tillbehör

Update 21. Mars 2014: Vi fikk i dag vite at Nutechfabrikken legges ned, dermed tømmer vi lageret for alle biler. Pr. dags dato er kun 4stk av ca 320 ulike deler utsolgt, og vi jobber med å skaffe de delene.
Merk at det vil bli problemer med å skaffe deler i fremtiden med mindre fabrikken blir reddet. Disse tilbudsbilene skal ikke kjøpes av nybegynnere, men av personer som har Nutechbil fra før og som trenger en bil å plukke deler/motor/elektronikk fra. Elefun gir ingen garanti for videre deleforsendelser og ved kjøp av bilen erkjenner man at man har forstått og lest denne teksten.

  • I tillegg til bilen trenger man 8AA batterier til radioen, mottakerbatteri ( 6.0V nimh ), luftfilterolje og 95/98 oktan bensin med 4% oljeblanding.

    Vi anbefaler å lese reviewet av ThunderBolt 2 som det er linket til under "Linker":
  • So a quick recap... The diffs now hold oil, the engine is decent and the car is beautiful. Electronics are well above expectations too, except for the lack of an rx pack, understandable really considering the improvements, a little had to be cut from somewhere, and this is where I would have probably cut costs myself if I were in charge at Nutech.
    All in all, and as I really expected, this is one truly awesome package for the price. When you consider all the features that are stock equipment, it´s actually quite mind-blowing. In terms of features and alloy parts, it exceeds most of my current models, some of which have had thousands of dollars more spent on them. As an out of the box feature set, it surpasses any other large scale RTR on the market. Yes, you heard correctly; best features of any RTR gasser on the market, and better than a lot of cars sold as racing rollers too! It´s been a struggle to find something significant to complain about through this entire review. A warning to the other manufacturers... Nutech is changing the rules of the game.
    With Nutech putting so much effort into aftermarket and parts support, there´s nothing to stop them taking a fair market share as a quality product mentioned in the same breath as FG or MCD, forever separating themselves from the cheapness associated with other Chinese models. The car is already more than competitive with similar Western and European products in terms of features, so with the right hop ups and parts availability, selecting a Nutech model for your next gasser should be a no-brainer.
    Still, the proof is in the pudding as they say, so lets get it down in the dirt!
    So, as you can surely tell, I really like this car. I like the forward thinking attitude of the company that makes it, and I think they are set to have a big impact on the large scale market if not the entire hobby (as they are also slowly coming out with smaller scale electric and nitro models as well).
    Also planned for the future are a truggy and trophy truck based on this Thunderbolt platform, and a monster truck as well, which will have some significant suspension geometry and gearing changes. I bet that´ll be an absolute riot to drive.
    If Nutech maintain RTR specifications similar to this, and continue to produce eye-catching designs, I see them installing themselves firmly in the middle market as a car of choice. With a few choice alloy upgrades (engine mounts, diff mounts, clutch carrier), I see this being a highly effective racing platform as well.
    I highly recommend this model to beginners and advanced hobbyists alike. Everyone will find something to love about this car, and little that disappoints.
    Look out for distributor and reseller information in the forums and on Nutech´s site soon.
    Thanks for reading, and making it all the way to the bottom of this long review.
    Foxy out.

    Item Nr057900
    Wheel Diameter172mm
    Gear Ratio8,4:1
    Net Weight12kg
  • Rekommenderade tillbehör

    Varta Industrial Pro AA batterier - 4stk
    kr 29,-
    6.0V 3300mAh - Bronto RX Hump Pack - Ni-Mh
    kr 375,-
    Klotz 2-takts Super Techniplate Racing Oil 0.97L
    kr 339,-


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    Nutech Thunderbolt II 4WD 29CC Blue 2.4GHz RTR
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