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Team Blacksheep TBS Crossfire Micro TX V2

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kr 1.149,-
ArtikelID: 36716
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Team Blacksheep TBS Crossfire Micro TX V2
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Team Blacksheep Crossfire Micro TX nu i nyare version. V2 erbjuder lättare vikt, bättre anslutning med nyare antenn, mer ström (från 100-250 mW) och USB-C-anslutning för att nämna några. Crossifre Micro TX är en sändarmodul för radioapparater med modulfästen av JR-typ. Modulen är baserad på RF-teknik och kan erbjuda tvåvägs kommunikation med lång räckvidd och låg fördröjning. Kraften är justerbar mellan 10 och 250 mW så att du kan anpassa dig till laglig sändareffekt vart du flyger.

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PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

I paketet finns med själva modulen och en TX-antenn.

Frekvensband868MHz (EU) och valbar 915MHz (USA/Asien/Australien)
FörbindelseUSB C
Kraft1,1W @ 10mW - 2W @ 100mW
Storlek65X48x22mm (JR-modulstorlek)
Product details in english
The TBS CROSSFIRE is a long range R/C link based on the newest RF technology, capable of self-healing two-way communications and range beyond comprehension. With a sensitivity of -130dB, full RF-side diveristy, tiny receivers for FPV quads, the TBS CROSSFIRE contains the most modern technology to provide a superior long range control link.

Remote control links, however, are tasked with much more than range. Latency, telemetry, robustness against interference, ease of use and the overall finish are too often sacrificed for that last bit of range. The Crossfire comes with plenty of range, and uses that margin for additional functionality and reliability. A bright future for FPV lies ahead :)

The Crossfire Micro TX borrows the core technology from its larger brother, but is a JR-module transmitter simplified to the most sought-after features, at a killer price! For people looking to do extreme long range flights beyond 15-20km, the Crossfire TX is still the way to go. For anyone looking to penetrate buildings, fly mini quads or just explore your surroundings a few kilometers away, the Micro TX is the perfect companion. It will still go out up to 40km, just like its bigger brother. But it costs less than half the price.

Apart from unparalelled range, the thing that we are most proud about on the TBS CROSSFIRE is that it just works. In the past, our question always was "could our R/C link keep up?". With the TBS CROSSFIRE comes peace of mind. But don´t take our word for it. All leading drone racing organizers require pilots to fly the TBS Crossfire. All top drone racers fly the TBS Crossfire. The furthest long range missions are flown with TBS Crossfire. Now it has become affordable to the masses as a general purpose radio link!

As a modern R/C link, it has telemetry built in. Two-way communication opens up new possibilities. From streaming MAVLink to you smart device (no Mavlink stream support for Crossfire Micro TX!), to updating your firmware, setting your video transmitter channel or adjusting flight control parameters such as PIDs. Adaptive bandwidth controls the speed of transmission or optimizes for ultimate range. CRSF is a proprietary TBS communication protocol between the Crossfire and R/C and Flight Control. It provides ultra-low latency with incredible bandwidth (3x faster, 6x more data than any comparable protocol!). With such tight integration, the TBS Crossfire is the logical choice for anyone flying Betaflight, KiSS or ArduPilot/Pixhawk platforms.

  • Long range, adaptive and robust remote control system for your aircraft
  • Immune to on-board noise
  • Two-way communication link with real-time link vitals and telemetry
  • Self-healing & frequency hopping (DSSS, FHSS)
  • Adaptive bandwidth control and range optimization
  • Super easy binding and configuration via built-in display of your R/C
  • Low latency, 150Hz update rate (3x faster than typical RC links) control for perfect immersive feeling
  • Two receiver models: 8 port Diversity Rx, 4 port Mini-receiver (4g weight!)
  • 8 or 12ch output via SBUS/PPM/CRSF on both receivers
  • Ability to fly with multiple friends at the same time (10 or more)
  • Selectable RF power from 25mW to 250mW (local restrictions apply)
  • Transmitter LED shows link health
  • Micro-receiver for smaller drones. Smaller than you think!
  • Software updates via RF Link
  • Mer info på engelska

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    Team Blacksheep TBS Crossfire Micro TX V2
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