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Artesania Latina - Mikroformer No.2

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kr 119,-
ArtikelID: 39965, Produktnr: 27301
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Innehåller 3 mallar med 15-16 olika profiler.
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PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Innan du använder mikroformerna rekommenderas att du borstar lite med borstpapper för att ta bort grova kanter eller små ojämnheter. För att göra det, glida smidigt i en riktning uppåt.
Product details in english
These Micro Shapers B are the perfect tool for molding all kinds of miniatures: boats, buildings, dollhouses... 2 different sets of micro shapers (sold separately A and B) that belongs to the Micro Tools Collection: each one has 3 plates with 15/16 different shapes per plate. The tool works by drawing the shape along a strip of wood or plastic.

The Micro Shapers B are a unique tool in high quality stainless steel designed by the technical team of Artesanía Latina. It belongs to the Micro Tools Collection.
This set of micro shapers B allows you to shape / profile wooden and plastic strips. It is perfect for creating moldings with different shapes to decorate their models.
Each set consists of three plates with about 15/16 shapes per plate, so you can get more than 45 different reliefs and designs on your miniatures.
The tool works by scrapping the shape along and over a wooden or platic strip. You can watch video tutorial below.

The measures you can find in the Micro Shapers type B are:
  • 0.059x0.118 (1,5x3 mm)
  • 0.059x0.157 (1,5x4 mm)
  • 0.059x0.196 (1,5x5 mm)
  • 0.078x0.118 (2x3 mm)
  • 0.118x0.118 (3x3 mm)
  • 0.078x0.196 (3x5 mm)
  • 0.196x0.196 (5x5 mm)

  • NOTE: Before using the micro shaper, a sandpaper should be used to eliminate burrs, rough edges or small irregularities. To do this, slide smoothly in one direction, upwards.
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