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Team Blacksheep TBS XF-rasantenn 868Mhz

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FPV Tillbehör
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kr 82,-
ArtikelID: 41105
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Team Blacksheep TBS XF-rasantenn 868Mhz
En liten och lätt antenn till Crossfire inställd till 868mhz, ett bra val för den kräsna FPV-racern.
Product details in english
The Crossfire RACE antenna is a new design for miniature setups or builds where weight is more critical than range. It will give you range about as good as a regular "Long Range 2.4GHz system", but maintaining all of the low latency properties and other conveniences that you have come to expect from the Crossfire.

We suggest to mount the antenna vertically using the foam in the designated location to provide spacing to any conductive materials in order to allow this antenna to provide optimal performance.

Technical Specifications
  • Center Frequency: 868 MHz
  • VSWR: <2
  • Gain: 2dBi
  • Length: 34 mm
  • Width: 7 mm
  • Height: 0.8 mm
  • Antenna Connector Type: u.FL
  • Weight: 0.8g (without foam)
  • Mer info på engelska
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