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Team Blacksheep TBS Footage Cradle

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FPV Tillbehör
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kr 125,-
ArtikelID: 42217, Produktnr: TBS-footage-cradle
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Team Blacksheep TBS Footage Cradle. 1 st
Har plats till 10stk micro SD minneskort.

Storlek: 85x54mm
Product details in english
FPV is all about getting that footage after a day of hustle. And we know what its like losing them.....

Introuducing the TBS Footage Cradle - Capable of storing 10 x Micro SD Cards in a credit card form factor so you can slide them into your wallet and never lose those footages again. (Just dont lose your wallet.)

  • 10 x slots for Micro SD Cards
  • Lanyard hole
  • Transparent top for easy identification
  • Credit Card size to fit in your wallets.

  • 1 x TBS Footage Cradle (SD cards not included)
  • Mer info på engelska
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