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HEG15006T 150GRSA Flybarless System (A.BUS)

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kr 402,-
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ArtikelID: 42260, Produktnr: HEG15006T
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Flybarless enhet för Align T-Rex 150X, kan användas med Spectrum-satelliter DSMX och DSM2.
Product details in english
Use for T-REX 150/150X.
6-axis Gyro?3-axis gyroscope + 3-axis accelerometer using a superior ARM Cortex-M4 32-bits processor. 3D feeling is superior while auto-level ability is also agile and stable.
Attitude Auto-level Mode?While there is no stick input for helicopter, the heli will auto-level and still keep at horizontal position, which is suitable for beginners.
Rescue Mode?While wrong stick input is given or heli is in trouble, or you are in panic, activate the rescue mode by flipping a switch on the radio to keep helis at a level position.
3D Flying?Brand new DFCS(Direct Flight Control System)Contorller allows to control real time flight. Strong Cortex-M4 Processor allows T-REX 150 to fly just like big scale helicopters.
Built-in Receiver?ALIGN A.BUS.
Plug-in Receiver(Required)?Compatible with Spektrum DSM2/DSMX, JR DSM2/DMSS satellite
Must with 150X Brushless ESC( HEG15003 )
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