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HemDrönare för FPVPropeller FPVHQ-Prop Multicopterpropellrar
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HQ Durable Prop 3X3X3 Ljusrosa (2CW + 2CCW)

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kr 37,-
ArtikelID: 42572, Produktnr: DP-3x3x3LP-PC
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HQ Durable Prop 3X3X3 Ljusrosa (2CW + 2CCW)
Propellrarna leveras i 4-pack med 2stk CW-propellrar och 2stk CCW-propellrar. 5mm propellaxelhål.
Product details in english
The HQ 3" tri blade propellers are perfect for micro racing drones in the 120-160 class.HQProp brand is known for well-balanced propellers with high processing quality.These propellers are made on high-impact material and have the high efficiency known from HQProp.
Thanks to the third extra rotor blade, these propellers provide a thrust.

Size: 3030x3
Material: Poly Carbonate
Weight: 1.5g
Center: 5mm (inner diameter)


2 x HQProp 3x3x3 Durable CW - Light Pink
2 x HQProp 3x3x3 Durable CCW - Light Pink
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