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Ride Shock Air Remover - Long

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kr 549,-
ArtikelID: 43139, Produktnr: RI-29101
Tipsa en vän


Med detta verktyg skapar du ett vakuum för att tömma spjälloljan för luft, kommer med en pump, behållare och förvaringspåse. Passar t.ex. för 1/10 terrängspjäll.
Product details in english
From RC enthusiasts to World Class Drivers seeking to adjust their shock oil quickly betweenheats, the Ride Air Remover has become a must-have among all RC accessories over the years. It was time to redefine our best seller.
The Long version is then adapted for short length shocks commonly used in Off-Road application.

Upgraded Long Air Remover version No: 29101 includes the following new contents:
  • Lightweight damper stand can receive countless types of shocks and also gear differential.
  • Includes a handy and light pouch for easy transportation.
  • Mer info på engelska
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