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EMAX Avan Rush 2.5 tum Prop Scimitar 2CW + 2CCW

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kr 34,-
ArtikelID: 45637
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EMAX Avan Rush 2,5 tum Prop Scimitar 2CW + 2CCW
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Avan Rush för BabyHawk R och TinyHawk Freestyle, 2,5x1.9.3.
Product details in english
The Emax Avan Rush propeller 2.5x1.9x3 was designed for Babyhawk Race 2.5 inch conversion kit to maximize performance and flight time. This propeller is matched to Emax 1106 4500kv for 4s or the Emax 1106 6000kv on 3s. A true 1.9" pitch throughout the blade gives a linear control feeling across the throttle band while still achieving high speeds. This allows for ease of flight and more precision. With a special PC blend the Avan Mini weighs 1.25 grams. Utilizing thicker airfoils greatly increases durability and stiffness. Most of the weight is centralized near the hub creating a low moment of inertia of 1.24 grams*square centimeter which in turn makes a very responsive prop.

The Avan Rush was designed from the ground up starting from design constraints such as RPM, air speed, and required thrust. From these constraints aerodynamic models were built to predict performance and to design the blade shape. Highly cambered airfoils were used to achieve high lift coefficients at high angles of attack prolonging stall. This allows for a higher blade angle while still remaining efficient. The cambered airfoils also allow a greater flight envelope making for great low end responsiveness while still being able to achieve high speeds.

A special Polycarbonate blend is used to achieve high durability. This material is incredibly tough and ductile to resist fracture in high impact crashes. A thick blade root was designed to further increase this durability. Our injection mold process is optimized to reduce bubbles in the plastic to increase the strength of the propeller and to maintain superb balance.

AVAN Rush 2.5 inch prop

  • 2.5 inch diameter
  • 1.9 inch pitch
  • 3 blades

  • Inertial Properties:
  • weight: 1.4 grams
  • Moment of Inertia: 1.24 g*cm^2
  • Mer info på engelska
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    Tja... Det er propeller hva mer vil du egentl
    Användaren har endast angett betyg
    01.07.2021 av Nait
    Ikke så altfor mye å skrive om akkurat slike propeller egentlig, men jeg kan jo allikevel nevne et par ting. De passer til Frestyle II også naturligvis. De er "snille" vel og merke pga lav pitch og de er meget holdbare.
    Detta hjälpte mig 2
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