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Spektrum DX2E Aktiv Bluetooth-modul

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kr 459,-
657| 657,-
ArtikelID: 46667, Produktnr: SPM6741
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Bluetooth-modul för DX2E Active som låter dig koppla ihop telefonen med radion. Detta ger telemetriinformation som hastighet, varvtal, temperatur och batterispänning. I appen "Spectrum Dashboard" har du också möjlighet att ändra olika parametrar.
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Product details in english
The Spektrum DX2E ACTIVE Bluetooth Module is a key component to adding the versatility of the Spektrum Dashboard to the Spektrum DX2E ACTIVE. Simply install into the side panel of the DX2E ACTIVE, download the Spektrum Dashboard app off the Google Play or Apple App Stores, and pair to a Android or Apple Smart Device. The Spektrum Dashboard App makes the DX2E ACTIVE a full fledge, telemetry capable, computerized radio. Display Telemetry such as Speed, RPM, Temperature, Pack voltage. The Spektrum Dashboard app also opens up the ability to switch between model settings, adjust Travel, Sub-trim, AVC settings, and more!

Compatible Products
Spektrum DX2E ACTIVE Bluetooth Module SPM6741 is compatible with LOS03019T1, LOS03019T2, LOS03027T1, LOS03027T2
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