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Yeah Racing Hackmoto 12T 550 borstad motor

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Bilmotorer borste
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kr 189,-
ArtikelID: 49116, Produktnr: MT-0029
Tipsa en vän


Hackmoto 550 är en kraftfull 540 borstmotor för krypning. Kraftfulla magneter och borstar för smidig effekt, exakt kontroll och bättre effektivitet.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Längd82 Mm inklusive axel
Driftning3,175 Mm
Max. Spänning10.8V
Skaftlängd13,5 Mm
RPM21 Tusen
Product details in english
The Yeah Racing Hackmoto 550 brushed motor series are a high performance 540 motor designed exqusitivly for crawler RC usage.

Hackmoto 550 features premium quality construction with high strength magnets for unmatched brushed motor speed and torque. Beside the performance, the motor features direct-solder wiring tabs for flexible wiring options. It is also designed to be rebuildable. This motor boasts a smooth power delivery, precise control with best possible efficiency.

  • Size: 550
  • For: 1/10 RC Car
  • Color: Black
  • Rebuildable with an easily accessible commutator and replaceable brushes and springs
  • High strength magnets for unmatched brush-motor performance
  • Specifically designed for R/C vehicles that require a large amount of torque
  • Excellent torque and long-run times
  • Direct-Solder Wiring Tabs for flexible soldering options
  • Mer info på engelska
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