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Yeah Racing Hackmoto JC 13T 540 borstad motor

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Bilmotorer borste
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kr 287,-
ArtikelID: 49119, Produktnr: MT-0038
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Hacka motoren klättra bara Rock Crawler Brushed Motor 13T 2250kV. 5-slitsarmatur med massstyrning även vid lägsta varvtal. Med silver i kopparborstarna ger lägre motstånd och högre effektivitet. Borsternas höga vårstyvhet ger bättre effekt även om borstarna är slitna. För upp till 2s LiPo (8.4V). Levereras med två motorkablar måste dessa lödas till motorn.
Product details in english
Yeah Racing Just Climb variant of the Hackmoto brushed motor! Features a 5 slot armature, which translate to the utmost low end control to navigate tricky terrain or passing through gates during comps! Copper Silver mix alloy brushes with a curvature precut means you can install this motor into your rig and go crawling! The silver mixed into the copper allows for a very low resistance which gives you better battery life and more power. Stiff brush springs ensures maximum power even if the brushes have been run down.

  • Size: 540
  • For: 1/10 RC Car
  • Color: Black
  • RPM: 16650
  • Rebuildable design with an easily accessible commutator and replaceable brushes and springs
  • High strength magnets for large amounts of torque
  • Excellent torque and long-run times
  • Direct-Solder Wiring Tabs for flexible mounting options
  • Dual-ball Bearings Design for an efficient drivetrain
  • Max Input Voltage: 8.4V
  • Mer info på engelska
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