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HemKamerautrustningVideolinkFPV Videolink Antenner
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VAS Skyhammer RHCP SMA 90deg

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FPV Videolink Antenner
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kr 475,-
ArtikelID: 49359, Produktnr: 58099R
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VAS Skyhammer RHCP SMA. Levereras med förlängning och vinkelkoppling.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Vinst: 5,25 dbic
Polarisering: Högercirkulär
Kontakt: SMA
Product details in english
Long range and 360 degrees of coverage in one, the Sky Hammer is a true long range omni-directional antenna! Designed by IBCrazy, the Sky Hammer utilizes a pair of Patented high performance Minion Pro antennas precisely phased and impedance matched to achieve 5.25dbic of gain and 360 degrees of coverage. The stacking and phasing takes the unused vertical coverage of a single antenna and pushes it outward along the horizon right where you need it. While typically considered to be a receiver antenna, the Sky Hammer can be mounted on a long range quad for exploring places where other antennas simply cannot reach. When using the Skyhammer on a VTX be sure to watch bank angles or you could point the null of the antenna directly at your receiver causing loss of signal.

US Pat. No: 10,608346

Gain: 5.25dbic
Axial Ratio: 0.94 (measured)
Horizontal coverage: 360 degrees
Vertical coverage: +/- 20 degrees

Bandwidth: 5400-6100 MHz
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