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Carrera 30357 - Positionstorn

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kr 955,-
ArtikelID: 49666, Produktnr: 20030357
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Positionstorn för Carreras digitala bilfält i skala 1: 24-1: 32 med styrenhet 30352 (standard). Visar antalet avslutade varv för den ledande bilen och positionen för upp till 6 bilar. Positionstornet har inte bara en praktisk användning, det ser också väldigt bra ut bredvid banan.
Product details in english
Counting laps ? made easy!
Its easy to lose track of whos really ahead in fast-paced races. And with all the action, who has the time to remember the number of laps already made? The solution here is the Position Tower for your Carrera race track. So you always have control over your current race position when competing against other cars. This will allow you to fully concentrate on your driving performance. The Tower is not only practical, it also offers certain optical benefits. It adds even more authenticity to your driving experience and works as a cool feature for the track. The LED display shows the number of laps and the position of the leading car. The Position Tower comes with an Adapter Unit and, on a scale of 1:24, fits perfectly with the Carrera DIGITAL 124 and Carrera DIGITAL 132 race track. Only works in conjunction with the Control Unit (30352).
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