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HPI -117114 Bandmotor 35T

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Bilmotorer borste
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kr 255,-
ArtikelID: 49871, Produktnr: HP117114
Tipsa en vän


Perfekt bandmotor på 35T för extra vridmoment uppför branta sluttningar och stora hinder.
Product details in english
Ideal for rock crawling, this 35-turn motor features a high number of winds for extra torque when climbing steep hills and tough terrain.

The lower the number of motor turns, the faster the motor is. Higher turn motors are slower, but have more torque.

NOTE: Before driving in wet conditions, make sure that other electronics fitted to the vehicle are safe to use (marked as water-resistant or waterproof), or that they are fully enclosed and protected from water and moisture (such as in a sealed receiver/battery case). Fans mounted on speed controllers are not water resistant - we recommend to disconnect the fan from the ESC before driving in wet conditions and allow it to dry fully before reconnecting the fan power. Lubricate exposed metal drivetrain parts such as bearings, outdrives and diff shafts before driving in wet conditions. Motors are not intended for submerged use and may be damaged if used when under water. After driving in wet conditions, make sure to rinse off dirt and any corrosive liquids like saltwater with plain water and re-lubricate metal drivetrain parts.
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