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Immersion Ghost Proton Pack 30x30

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kr 28,-
114| 114,-
ArtikelID: 50552, Produktnr: GHST_PP_3030
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30,5x30,5mm bricka för montering av Ghost Atto / Zepto-mottagare tillsammans med Tramp Nano i stack.
Product details in english
By far the cleanest, simplest way to integrate ImmersionRCs Ghost, and Tramp, into a quad. Ghost vTx control is wired by default directly to the Tramp Nano, but a cut jumper allows BetaFlight control as an alternative if required.

Ships with M3 gummies which protect the sensitive electronics from the shock and vibration created by FPV flight (or rather FPV crashing...)

This SKU for standard 30mm x 30mm stacks. Single-sided version for low profile.

Included in pack:
- 3x 30x30 Proton Pack PCBs
- 12x IRC M3 Gummies for shock and vibration dampening
- 3x 5-pin 0.1" headers
- 3x 4-pin 0.1" headers
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