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SkyRC Corner Weight System BT Smart

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kr 1.440,-
ArtikelID: 52884, Produktnr: SK500036-01
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Utrustning för viktning av tävlingsbilar. Satsen visar vikten på vart och ett av de fyra hålrummen så att du kan justera hjulinställningarna för att få den mest optimala viktfördelningen både mellan hjulpar, axelpar och vid korsningar. Detta är Bluetooth-versionen där du måste använda din egen smartphone, satsen består av 4 skalor som kommunicerar med telefonen för att visa data. Varje vikt kan mäta upp till 2 kg.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

    Maximal vikt på varje vikt:2000 Gram
    Tolerans:0,1 Gram
    Vikt per vikt:70 Gram
    Storlek:68X68x22,5 mm/vikt
Product details in english
This is SkyRC Bluetooth Corner Weight System For 1/10 1/12 1/8 RC. RC cars run off the track, tip over, run with tires wore eccentric from time to time. These are the typical results of incorrect CG(Center of Gravity) due to the unbalanced four wheels. Uneven wheel weight distribution will cause the car to sway more in one direction than others. In this circumstance, the car will run unstable, difficult to control!

The enhanced SkyRC SCWS2000 can help RC drivers easily measure and view the RC cars corner weight distribution through the App. With the accuracy of 1g, RC drivers can precisely adjust their cars weight at each corner to the best balance to win the race.

Even the slightest difference in weight has a significant difference for RC hobbyists when it comes to the races performance and the cars condition! High-quality aluminum with good toughness is selected as the sensor rebound material. Through the rigid and harsh manufacturing process, we created a high-precision I-shaped sensor. To improve the overall accuracy, the measurement algorithm is enhanced from the predecessor: the precision can be obtained in the shortest time. The default unit is Gram, and switching to Ounce is also available! When inaccuracy is found, the customized in-app program can get the calibration done quickly by tapping the screen three times.

This conner weighting system is empowered by the latest Bluetooth 5.0 chip, which results in faster and more stable connection. When connected with the phone, the last century segment LED as the predecessor is enhanced the intuitive display in full screen!

SkyRC smart weighing system is small and portable in size. It can accurately measure the weight distribution at the racing cars four corners. So RC racer can quickly adjust the weight at each corner to the best balance effect and win the race.

The App simulates practical scenarios to b intuitive and straightforward. The diagonal wheels are highlighted contrastingly in orange to indicate the selection. This is exactly the RC hobbyists paint point when balancing and distributing the weight! The weight and protocol data are transmitted to the mobile App in real-time via Bluetooth. The APP can set each scale by coordinate and save the real-time weight at the respective corner. The total diagonal weight is automatically calculated on the go!

The native emphasis on the ultra-low power consumption of Bluetooth 5.0 and our proprietary protocol get a CR2450 lithium coin battery to deliver the long-lasting, dependable performance of continuous 30 hours.

In the circumstance of the racing field, RC hobbyists use the scales together with the possibility of mixing and getting messed up. Protection with a password will bring peace of mind!

For: 1/10 1/12 1/8 RC Drift / Touring
Material: Plastic
Color: Black
App-enabled and data display in realtime via Bluetooth
Designed for drift, touring cars
Unit switchable between gram and oz.
Powered by 4 x coin & button batteries.
Measure the cars corner weight, front and rear distribution and make adjustment if necessary.
The maximum weight limit for each scale is 2000 grams ( total 8000 grams )
Accurate measurement in 0.1g increments ( equivalent to 0.01 oz )
BLE 5.0: Faster Connectivity and higher performance
Long-lasting power on coin battery
Support for 4 languages

Dimension: 68x68x22.5mmNet weight of each scale: 70gRated Voltage: 2.6V-3.6VRated Current: <10mA@DC3VBattery: CR2450 3V Lithium Coin BatteryMaximum weight of each scale: 2000gTolerance: ±0.1g / 0.1ozResolution: ±0.1g / 0.01ozInclude:SkyRC Bluetooth Corner Weight System (1 set)
Mer info på engelska


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