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Ugears Windstorm Dragon

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kr 649,-
ArtikelID: 54696, Produktnr: UG70151
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Färdig mekanisk modell bestående av laserskurna träskivor som sätts ihop till en drake. Modellen är utrustad så att när den dras upp kommer drakens ben och vingar att börja röra på sig. Setet innehåller 320 delar och tar ca. 6 timmar att bygga.
PS! Produkten kan skilja sig från videon.Läs merKlippet har lagts till som relevant information till produkten, men är inte nödvändigtvis identiskt. Innehållet i en produktvideo, testvideo eller recension kan skilja sig från produkten som säljs. Det kan gälla färger, specifikationer, versionsskillnader, regionala skillnader etc. Det är produktens namn, beskrivning och bilder som du ska hantera vid köp av varan.

PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Modellstorlek37,8 X 17 x 3,1 cm
Antal delar320
Beräknad byggtid6 Timmar
Nödvändiga verktygNoll och inget extra!

Ugears Windstorm Dragon
Ugears Windstorm Dragon
Product details in english

UGEARS Windstorm Dragon Mechanical Model

Welcome to the dwelling of a wise and cunning beast guarding countless treasures he will only reveal to the one bold enough to face his mechanical magic! Behold - the magnificent Windstorm Dragon of the Ugears? automatons collection is here to challenge your wits and skills in your next mechanical models adventure.

The Windstorm Dragon is a classic mythical reptilian, the embodiment of ancient might and power, presented in wood and animated by the wizardry of Ugears engineers.

Your new magnificent pet has an open-style design that allows you to see its mechanical heart - rubber-band motor - beating. The model has a winding key in the frontal part of its chest. To wind it up, hold the dragon by its body and rotate the key clockwise. Release the motor by pulling the start lever. This is when the magic begins: the arms, legs and even the whole body of the Dragon will start to move. And of course, the amazing pair of strong and beautiful wings will be set in motion. This is your Ugears Dragon?s very special feature: the bones of the wings are made of wood, but the rest is beautifully designed feathery paper cutouts. Softer and flexible material makes the flight look very realistic and leaves room for your own ideas.

The model can be set on a special support or hung on twine. It will look equally fascinating with its laser engraved scales and spiky tail.

Traditionally, the model is made of high-grade wooden materials and comes with everything you need in the box. Solve the mechanical mystery of an ancient beast and become a Dragon Master with Ugears Windstorm Dragon model!


  • Model size: 53x48.5x29cm
  • Package size: 37.8x17x3.1cm
  • Number of components: 320
  • Estimated time for assembly: 6 hours
  • Mer info på engelska
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