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Furitek Tesla Digiboard

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kr 259,-
383| 383,-
ArtikelID: 55166, Produktnr: FUR-2065
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Furitek Tesla Digiboard låter dig konfigurera parametrar på Furitec hastighetsregulatorer / esc.
Product details in english
Tesla Digiboard offers a new way to not only configure and display all parameters of the Esc on a tiny OLED screen, but also manages all settings that normally have to be done on a smartphone app. It is also a super cool OLED dashboard on your truck that sure brings many head turns.

- Ability to configure all parameters on the Furitek ESC.
- Ability to monitor and display all real time telemetries such as battery voltage, speed, temperature?
- Displays alarms for low battery, high temperature?
- Ability to manage all settings such as chaning brushed to brushless configuration and vice versa, changing motor directions? on the tiny OLED screen without a need for smartphone app.
- Ability to calibrate throttle of Furitek ESC without a need for smartphone app.
- Provides beautiful vibrated OLED screen display on your truck.

*New Tesla firmware are updated frequently to offer more features, and it is totally FREE for lifetime.
A Bluetooth module is needed to update firmware
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