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Cobi Junkers JU-88

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LEGO, bitar & byggklossar
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kr 1.899,-
ArtikelID: 58299, Produktnr: COBI-5733
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Byggsats av den historiska Junkers JU-88 i skala 1:32. Setet består av 1160 delar och kommer med rörligt underrede, flyttbara roder, avtagbar sittbrunn, stativ med namnskylt och en tysk figur. Cobi-klossar är kompatibla med legoklossar.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Junkers JU-88r ett tyskt tvåmotorigt flygplan för mångsidig användning! Den kallades inte "Den tyska myggan" för ingenting. Du kan enkelt jämföra den med Western de Havilland Mosquito, som också är en del av COBI-familjen! Ju 88 var designad som ett snabbt bombplan och utmärkte sig i låghöjd och grunda dykattacker. Det fungerade också bra som nattjaktflygplan, torpedbombplan och spaningsflygplan. JU-88 var också ett av de mest populära flygplanen under andra världskriget! Under åren 1939 - 1945 tillverkades nästan 15 000 exemplar av denna maskin i många versioner.
Cobi Junkers JU-88

ModellJunkers JU-88
SerierHistorisk samling WW2
Antal tegelstenar1160
Längd45 Cm
Bredd/Vingspann61 Cm
Höjd15 Cm
Product details in english
The Ju 88 bomber is a real hit among huge COBI aircraft and the star of the Historical Collection dedicated to the Second World War. The Ju 88 is a German twin-engine aircraft with versatile use! It was not called the "German Mosquito" for nothing. You can easily compare it with the Western de Havilland Mosquito, which is also in the COBI offer! The Ju 88 was designed as a fast bomber and excelled in low-altitude and shallow dive attacks. It could also function as a night fighter, torpedo bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. It was also one of the most popular planes of World War II! In the years 1939 - 1945, almost 15,000 copies of this machine were produced in many versions.

The model of the famous Ju 88 bomber has been carefully developed using 1160 building blocks in a sensational large scale 1:32. The set uses only permanent prints. You wont find stickers here! For a better representation of the complicated shape of the cockpit, we have developed new patterns of blocks! In the cockpit there is a figure of the pilot included in the set and there is one free seat. The set includes movable elements such as propellers, ailerons and lockable bomb hatches. There are detachable bombs and wheels under the wings. Thanks to the intuitive instructions based on clear icons, the construction is simple. The plane is a must for all fans of history, aviation, military and military technology. The set was entirely produced in Poland within the European Union.

  • 1160 high-quality components.
  • Manufactured in the EU by a company with more than 20 years of tradition.
  • Meets safety standards for childrens products.
  • Fully compatible with other brands of building blocks.
  • The blocks with prints do not scratch or smear and do not fade during play or under the influence of temperature.
  • Easy-to-read and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and step-by-step instructions.
  • 100% prints, no stickers.
  • German pilot
  • A plate with the name of the aircraft.
  • Mer info på engelska
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