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PowerBox DigiSwitch V2

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kr 763,-
ArtikelID: 59672, Produktnr: PB-6430
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Elektronisk strömbrytare med hög prestanda som är lätt, kompakt och reglerad utspänning. Switchen har även användarvalbar utspänning: 6,0 V/7,0 V/7,6 V eller oreglerad RGB LED-spänningsindikator för batteriet. Den har även telemetristöd för CORE-system och stöder 4 olika batterityper såsom 2s LiPo, 2s LiIon, 2s LiFePo och 5s NiMH regulatorövervakning.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Strömförsörjning2S LiPo, 2s LiIon, 2s LiFePo, 5s NiMH
Aktuell dränering Power-on status23MA
Aktuell dränering Standby4A
Max belastningsström10A
Mått50 X 18 x 11 m
Product details in english
The PowerBox DigiSwitch V2 is the second generation of the PowerBox Digi-Switch, which is well-known throughout the world. For almost fifteen years the PowerBox DigiSwitch has represented the standard for small to medium-sized models thanks to its compact format and versatility.

By using the latest components we have been able to reduce the size of the Digi-Switch V2 by about 20 %.

The introduction of a top-quality aluminium case, machined and anodised, has brought a substantial increase in the unit?s cooling efficiency, with the result that the maximum continuous current capacity of the PowerBox DigiSwitch V2 is around 20 % higher. In fact, the peak load capacity is twice as high: the DigiSwitch V2 can handle more than 10 A for several seconds!

The DigiSwitch V2 offers four user-selectable output voltages: for normal servos it can be set to a regulated 6.0 V, regulated voltages of 7.0 V and 7.6 V are available for HV servos, as is an option for non-regulated voltage.

Power to the unit can be drawn from four different battery types: LiPo, LiIon, LiFePo, NiMH. Ultra-bright RGB LEDs are fitted to indicate battery voltage; they light up in various colours to display the charge status of the batteries.

ATOM/CORE users also benefit from one special additional feature: the battery voltage and regulator voltage can be displayed directly at the transmitter via telemetry!
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