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Artesania Latina - Skärmatta A2 Vikbar 60x45cm

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kr 359,-
ArtikelID: 60042, Produktnr: 27642-F
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Slitstark skärmatta med galler i A2-storlek med möjlighet att vika på mitten. När den är utdragen har mattan måtten 60x45cm. Lysande för den som skär ut smådelar och inte vill ha repor på arbetsbänken.
Product details in english
The Folding Cutting Mat A2 by Artesania Latina is a fundamental modeling and crafts tool in your workshop to protect your work table from any type of cut. In this sense, it helps you to make any type of incision with a cutter and other cutters on it without damaging the surface below. The dimensions of the cutting mat without folding in A2 size are 23.62 (60 cms) x 17.71 (45 cms), folded it measures 17.71 (45 cms) x 12 (30.5 cms).

The folding cutting mat A2 has a custom design, with measures in centimeters and millimeters, measurements of the most common and used angles, and printed guides to identify the size of rods and battens. It has a ribbon attached below that holds the two halves together and folds when folded.

These green sheets are manufactured with a characteristic PVC that gives the cutting mat great resistance and durability. That is, shallow cuts made on the A2 cutting mat will virtually disappear after a while. However, deep cuts will stick.

Didnt have an A2 cutting mat because it was too big? Now you have no excuse, with the folding cutting mat A2 you can continue to protect your work area with a large covered space, but you can also save it and transport it more easily given its small dimensions.
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