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OS Speed MAX-B21

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kr 2.680,-
ArtikelID: 63255, Produktnr: OS1EG00
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3,49 cc
2,56 hk
Motorvikt 361g
MAX-B21 är en fantastisk instegsmotor som ger dig en bra balans mellan pris och prestanda. Motorn kan användas för både on-road och terräng och är designad för 1/8 bilar.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Volym3,49 Cc
Borrning16,27 Mm
Stansa16,80 Mm
Vikt361 Gr
Product details in english
For 1/8 nitro Offroad and 1/8GT.
MAX-B21 is easy to use from entry-level users to sports users and has excellent cost performance. Based on the O.S.SPEED series engine, it has a well-balanced combination of smooth speed and power delivery can be used in both on and off-road racing situations.
The outer head is based on MAX-21XR-B VER.3, it has been reduced weight for better performance. Also the shape of the combustion chamber of the inner head has been revised to improve combustion efficiency and response in the low speed range.In addition, more stable idling, avoids stalling equals to easy carburetor adjustment.
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