Förutom Columbus egen loggbok gav spanska litteraturen detaljer om de två "Caravels" som deltog i expeditionen med Santa Maria på sin Atlantiska resa. Men det är känt att de tillhörde Pinzonbröderna som deltog som kaptener på denna historiska resa.
Product details in english
Other than Columbuss own logbooks, Spanish literature gives few details about the two caravels that accompanied the Santa Maria on its Atlantic voyage. Originally, Niña and Pinta were lateen rigged caravels. It is known they belonged to the Pinzon brothers who took part in the historic voyage as captains. On reaching the Canaries, Pinta was fitted out as a square rigger.This operation the replacement of the mast and led to a four week delay. Christopher Columbus always referred to his flagship as "Nao", and the other two simply as "the caravels".
Code: 1411
Scale: 1:65
Length: 37 cm
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