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WhitenoiseFPV TBS Race Wire 6-pack

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kr 59,-
99| 99,-
ArtikelID: 49943
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Recewirei i storleken 40x8x0.8mm. Levereras i 6-pack. Ersätter motorkablarna på armen på fyrhjulingen för att minimera skador om propellern kommer in i armen genom en extra hård landning.
Product details in english
Race Wire is the perfect upgrade for your racing or freestyle rig. It simply replaces a section of your motor wires under the tips of the propeller which makes your quad immune to prop strike damage. If a prop is bent in a crash, the tip will deflect off of the Race Wire board. From our testing, the prop will only scuff the surface.

After installing Race Wire, you?ll be able to perform motor swaps very quickly and without the need to open up your quad to access your 4in1 ESC or AIO board. It also gives you a flat surface from which you can mount top facing LEDs.

Race Wire is designed with 2oz copper and a 2 layer board which provide virtually no difference in resistance and weight difference when compared to our ?standard? 20AWG motor wire.

SPECIFICATIONS2oz 2layer copper board
40 x 8 x 0.8mm
Comes in a set of 6 individual boards.
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