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EMAX Avan Scimitar 3.5x2.8x3 3528-3 Props 2pairs

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kr 56,-
ArtikelID: 52098
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3,5" 3-bladig propeller designad för att ta din micro-quad till de yttersta gränserna. Gjord för hög hastighet och ultimat kontroll. Levereras i ett paket med 2 st CW och 2 st CCW. T-Mount.
Product details in english
With the success of the Avan Scimitar 4 and 5 inch propellers, EMAX sought out to release a unique prop into the industry that will encourage pilots to build with new motor and prop combinations.

The Avan Scimitar 3.5x2.8x3 comes in at a featherlight 1.8 grams for optimal efficiency and response. EMAXs hub system is designed to work with both T-mount and 5mm threaded shaft motors. The included adapters slip into the hub notches to provide a T-mount.

- Mounts to M5 threaded shaft or to T-mount by using provided adapter.
- 1.8g
- 1.9g w/ T-mount Prop Adapter
- 3.5 Inch Diameter
- 2.8 Inch Pitch
- 3 Blade
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19.12.2021 av Kåre
Fungerer bra til freestyle men dårlig til racing. På en times økt med racing og en god del krasj i porter knakk hele 5 propeller. Byttet over til HQ props som holdt mye bedre.
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