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Carrera Mercedes-AMG GT Coupé Polizei

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kr 283,-
ArtikelID: 52641, Produktnr: 20064118
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Analog spårbil i skala 1:43 för GO! och GO! -Plus bilfält för Carrera.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.


Mått10,6 Cm
4,63 Cm
3,5 Cm
Product details in english
Always on the go
The Mercedes-AMG GT Coupé stands for performance and speed. Characteristics that are crucial for a police vehicle, because every second counts in an emergency. The racing car is powered by a 476 bhp V8 engine and leaves criminals no chance on the run. To accelerate from 0 to 62 mph it takes just 4 seconds. Following the SLS AMG, the Mercedes-AMG GT is the second vehicle to be developed independently by AMG. Perfect conditions for fast sprints on the road ? and all this with plenty of driving fun.

Escape? No chance!
With this slot car on a scale of 1:43 the police in the Mercedes-AMG GT Coupé are also on the move on your Carrera GO!!! race track. Thanks to an original Mercedes license, a lot of attention was paid to getting the details right during manufacturing, so that the racing car looks amazingly similar to its bigger role model. The flashing light warns the other drivers on the race track of danger spots or signals to them that the emergency services are on route.
Mer info på engelska


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18.09.2023 av Erik
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