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VIFLY Whoop Series Charging Board 1s

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kr 262,-
ArtikelID: 61728, Produktnr: HP0186.0010
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VIFLY här med en laddbräda som ger dig möjlighet att ladda upp till 6st 1s batterier i serie. Laddkortet stöder batterier med PH2.0, GNB27 och BT2.0 batterikontakt.
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Så fungerar tavlan (engelska)

Vrid först ratten till motsvarande läge enligt den batterimängd du ska ladda, anslut sedan batterierna i sekvens "1S-2S-3S...", anslut slutligen seriekortet till laddaren med kablar.

Exempel: Du har 3 whoop-batterier att ladda, vrid först ratten till "3S"-läge, anslut sedan batteriet till port 1S, 2S och 3S i ordningsföljd, och anslut det till sist till laddaren med balanskabeln och XT60-kabeln.

Max laddningseffekt1,5A


Make sure you charge for one battery and not
Användaren har endast angett betyg
07.09.2024 av Anni
I killed a couple of batteries by thinking parallel... dont do that... Its a bit of a nuisance at times to storage charge as it finishes when the highest battery is at storage if its a bit far ahead. But a great board to have! Useful board for charging 1S batteries. The serial charging board is used to safely charge multiple batteries at the same time. Plug the board into the charger like a classic Lipo battery, then you plug the individual 1S batteries into the board. Using the jumper, you then set how many batteries you have connected to the board (how many cells the resulting battery has). Then charge the batteries by using the balance program according to the cells (the number connected to the battery). Series charging has the advantage that the voltage of the batteries does not matter. The charger balances all batteries at the end of charging. By series connection, the voltage of the batteries is added and the capacity remains the same. Choose the charging current according to the capacity of the connected batteries.
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