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FrSky SBus för PWM-avkodare med stift

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FrSky Mottagare
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kr 189,-
ArtikelID: 42962, Produktnr: FrSky-03071901
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FrSky SBus för PWM-avkodare med stift
Product details in english
The FrSky S.BUS to PWM Decoder allows the use of any standard analogue or digital servos with an S.BUS compatible receiver.

S.BUS specific servos are therefore not required.

With 4 programmable channel outputs, assignment of each servo to a channel of choice can be acheived with only one input lead from the receiver.

Channel Outputs: 4 programmable
Channel Ouput Lead Lengths: 200mm
Overall Length: 350mm

Please note: The FrSky Servo Channel Changer is required (sold separately) to change assignment of channel outputs.
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