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FrSky S.Port AirLink S

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FrSky Mottagare
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kr 335,-
ArtikelID: 45646, Produktnr: FrSky-03071908
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FrSky S.Port AirLink S till flashmjukvara för enheter som S6R / S8R. Ansluts till PC med mikro-usb eller bluetooth och till s.port på mottagaren.
Product details in english
The S.Port AirLink S is a connecting tool to help you program and flash firmware to devices such as the S6R/S8R. It can be used by inserting into the USB port of a PC and connecting to the S.Port of the device. Or it can be used wirelessly through Bluetooth which allows wireless S6R/S8R configuration and real time telemetry dashboard.

  • Configure the parameters of the device(S6R/S8R) with PC software in USB mode.
  • Configure the parameters of the device(S6R/S8R) with PC software in wireless mode.
  • Upgrade S.Port devices, configure and monitor sensors in USB mode.
  • Monitor the receiver/sensor, configure sensors in wireless mode
  • Mer info på engelska
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