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Carrera 30347 - Avdelning för dubbelfältbyte

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kr 1.189,-
ArtikelID: 52740, Produktnr: 20030347
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Expansionspaket för Carrera bilfält i skala 1:32 och 1:24. Gör din kurs mer spännande och utmanande genom att lägga till spår för filbyte. Passar digitalt 1:24 och 1:32. Innehåller totalt 2 delar.
Product details in english
Go on the chase
A lane change in the race track creates completely new possibilities for you. On the digital Carrera race tracks it is possible to change lanes thanks to lane change sections. With a double lane change track both cars can even change lanes at the same time. However, they shouldn?t do this at the same time, otherwise an accident can quickly occur. When used tactically and cleverly, the lane change enables you to drive in the slipstream of your opponent or to force the competition to break. The double lane change track consists of two individual parts and comes on a scale of 1:24. It can be used to upgrade the analogue Carrera EVOLUTION race track.
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